Jodi Kilgannon
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Work with Me

Why Work With Me

I am passionate about divorce mediation because divorce is a difficult journey, one that I’ve been on that often involves a lot of sadness and grief but it does not need to be a failure.  Divorce mediation allows your family to thrive again.  The idea of working with me is that together we will create a path that leads you to a happier lifestyle. So while we will need to go through the process, it will be a clean, well-guided path that will create a more calm, joyful, abundant family lifestyle that will benefit both parents and children. 

We will meet either in person or via zoom for the first session. I will create a safe, nurturing, honest environment. You will be able to voice your concerns, thoughts, wishes and goals for your family. You are not in this alone. I will guide you through the decision-making process. Together we will create the future of your family.


 How To Work With Me


Step 1

Call for your Free Consultation

The first step is choosing, together, to use mediation as a means to care for your family. Once both of you have decided to use mediation, call me to schedule a free initial consultation. We will discuss your circumstances to decide if mediation is the right fit for your family. We will meet either in person or via zoom for the first session.


Step 2

Negotiate Terms with Your Spouse

I create a safe and nurturing environment for both parties so that they can effectively express their hopes and desires and have them be received by both myself and their partner.  It is my goal to ensure you are heard.  You focus on what your family needs.  I ensure that the detailed steps are tended to and that all of the bases are covered so that you can rest assured this is an effective way to complete the negotiation process. 


Step 3

Make Decisions for Your Family’s Future

I will guide you through the decision-making process.  Together we will create the future of your family.  I will lead you through a manageable process that allows you to have control and to determine how you want to transition your family into a happier lifestyle.  I will manage the process for you so that you can clearly define your future.  Divorce mediation is a route you can take where you – and not the courts – will be in control of your family’s future. 


Mediation Is On Your Time

I have had people come in who want the process done immediately and others who need time to digest the major life decisions they are making for themselves and their family.  With mediation you get the allowance of flexibility without exorbitant costs.  Some couples are able to come to an agreement in a few sessions, others need more time. You are in control of the timeline. We meet as frequently or as few as you want.

Mediation is the most cost-effective means to finalizing a divorce, enabling you to completely bypass extemporaneous legal and court fees.  No one ever can determine the final cost of legal fees related to litigation.